About John
John Maxwell, Cocalex Consulting
Founder & Director
John has been a senior level executive within the lending and mortgage broking industry, having fulfilled a holistic repertoire of roles and projects in his 20 plus year career.
As a key executive, his achievements have included establishing a white-label mortgage sub-aggregation business, developing referral partnerships across the property, financial planning and credit repair industry, and managing a 'one stop shop' in financial services. John has also owned and managed 9 mortgage franchises, has expertise working within a lender, and most recently worked as Head of Sales at a mortgage industry fintech.
He has built large national teams, run multiple companies simultaneously and has worked with all levels of brokers, lenders, and allied service professionals to strengthen relationships and meet business objectives.
Cocalex is proud to partner with Matensa
Abdul El Dib, Matensa Digital
Senior Adviser & Director
Abdul has been a senior financial adviser within the lending and mortgage broking industry, having built a full service group in his 20 plus year career.
As a successful financial services professional, his achievements have included establishing an award winning financial planning, mortgage broking, and taxation & business advisory service based in Melbourne.
John & Abdul met over 20 years ago whilst working for the same national finance group, both as senior executives running different state divisions.
In 2019, John and Abdul began conversations about developing a partnership in digital services to support our industry from within, seeing the lack of access to content and digital services with extensive industry knowledge and experience.
This partnership has developed into a thriving team of 40+ staff based in Lebanon today.
As published in:
“I know John as a very knowledgeable entrepreneur that cares for his clients and team members and really knows how to tune into their needs. A true professional.”
— Marc Beltman, Director - Beltman Finance.