Broker articles List
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Choose from 70+ articles across 16 categories, choose up to 2 of your own topics OR leave the choosing to us!
Saving for a home.
How much savings will I really need?
Family Guarantee - Is it the Millennials Golden Egg Goose?
For God's Sake be nice to your family
What should you be doing with your savings?
Homeowners trapped in mortgage as 'refi' doors close tight
Rate-chasers are unwittingly sealing their own fate
Should my mortgage start with a 1, 2 or 3?
Mortgage Myths & Hacks.
Top 10 hacks to slash your mortgage
7 mortgage myths that could be keeping you broke - Part 1
7 mortgage myths that could be keeping you broke - Part 2
Top budgeting hacks
Credit Score myths
Pay yee tax man before he cometh knocking
10 money habits for a far more enjoyable festive season
Use your common sense when it comes to living expenses
A great business idea isn't enough for success
Paying off your mortgage.
Paying off your mortgage fast is easier than you think
The downsides of being mortgage free
Debt reduction strategies
How does my repayment frequency affect my mortgage?
How much are the fees and charges on my mortgage costing me?
Can I really pay my mortgage off in less than half the time?
What type of mortgage should I get if I want to pay it off quickly?
The real impact of redrawing your mortgage equity
Applying for a Home Loan.
Buying your first home loan
Why did my bank say 'NO'?
Dispelling the Cost vs Value Myth
How to get the most out of your Advice Team
Tricky Situation. Who do you turn to?
The importance of repayment history when you apply for a mortgage
If one lender declined my application, can I go to another one?
What can I do if the bank declined my home loan application?
Can I get a home loan if I have credit issues?
Purchasing a house.
Do you know how much your home purchase will actually cost?
What does your money future look like? Part 1.
What does your money future look like? Part 2.
Property - Old or New?
How do I increase my borrowing power?
What are the upfront costs of buying a home?
What are the benefits of using a buyer's agency?
Can my parents help me get a mortgage to buy a home?
Thought leadership.
How on earth did this peer-to-peer lending become so popular?
Making sense of the changes in the financial services sector
Should broker commissions really be under scutiny?
The case for personalisation and a holistic view
The evolving economy calls for brokers to evolve with it
What's the fuss about the new Comprehensive Credit Reporting regime?
Credit Reporting.
10 things you didn't know about Credit Reports in Australia
Bad Credit won't hold you back provided you have a solid plan
Can't get a business loan elsewhere?
There's a reason your loan will be declined no-one's told you about
How can I improve my credit score?
Are there lenders who don't credit score?
Choosing a Mortgage Broker or Finance Adviser.
Honesty goes a long way
Non-English-Speaking highest chance of poor service
What's more important than technology when it comes to advice?
Why should I be using a mortgage broker?
Credit Repair.
Busting common Credit Repair myths
Can I fix my Credit Report issues myself?
Understanding Credit Repair
The Credit Reporting Bureau and the service provider told me my default was listed correctly
Why should I engage a Credit Repair Lawyer to fix my bad credit?
Understanding Home Loans.
What's the difference between Basic, Package, and Offset Mortgages?
Which mortgage structure is best for me?
Understanding Investor Loans.
What's the difference between Good Debt and Bad Debt?
Debt Recycling is the secret success strategy you've never heard of, until now
Borrowing as an Investor
Choosing an advice firm.
Top 10 benefits of engaging a holistic advisory group
Top 7 reasons to choose a holistic services advisory firm
How to get the most out of your advice team
Finance tax benefits.
5 ways to maximise your tax write-offs using finance
Do you feel the tax-time blues?
Neglecting your insurance is asking for trouble
Why isn't insurance a priority for younger generations?